Life Care Planning

Cost Containment Services

Life Care Planning

Medical Rehabilitation Consultants, Inc. provides Life Care Plans for legal and insurance needs. The plans are produced by a Certified Life Care Planner through consultations, client visits, assessments, record review, research, and background knowledge.

A Life Care Plan is a dynamic document based upon published Standards of Practice, comprehensive assessment, data analysis, and research, which provides an organized, concise plan for current and future needs with associated costs for individuals who have experienced catastrophic injury or have chronic health care needs. The components of Life Care Plan normally consist of the following components. This may vary somewhat in order to ensure the Life Care Plan is specific to the individual.

Report Summary and Description
Data and Estimated Costs
Life Expectancy
Care Providers
Social History
Medical History; past and current
Assumptions Made in Report Preparation
Significant Factors
Medical Diagnosis
Systematic Effects and Related Risks
Nursing Diagnosis
Functional and Health-Related Problems
Projected Cost Summary
Cost Sheets
Records Reviewed and Consultants
A Certified Life Care Planner

The Commission on Health Care Certification (CHCC), (, is pleased to have been awarded copyright for its certification title, Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP). This copyright was obtained as an effort to protect the credential and the people who earn it by restricting any organization from labeling its certification credential similar to the CLCP, thus weakening the qualification and standards of this particular certification process.

The Commission on Health Care Certification (CHCC) understands the required consistency of training among case managers and consultants who provide life care planning services. The CHCC requires the following criteria to be met by all candidates in order to qualify to sit for the Certified Life Care Planners examination:

Each candidate must have a minimum of 120 hours of post-graduate or post-specialty degree training in life care planning or in areas that can be applied to the development of a life care plan or pertain to the service delivery applied to life care planning. There must be 16 hours of training specific to a basic orientation, methodology, and standards of practice in life care planning within the required 120 hours. A minimum of 20 hours is required for onsite training that allows for peer interaction among life care planners, including peer discussions and the exchange of information.

Training hours acquired over a time frame of 5 years from the date of application are counted as valid for consideration. Documentation of such coursework and participation verification is required in the form of attendance verification forms and/or curriculum documentation from the training agency. Each candidate must meet the minimum academic requirements for their designated healthcare-related profession, and be certified, licensed, or meet the legal mandates of the candidate’s respective state that allow him or her to practice service delivery within the definition of his or her designated healthcare-related profession.

Each candidate must satisfy an experience component in one of the following options:

Submit one (1) life care plan with the candidate’s name displayed as author or co-author.

Supervision of one (1) year with a Certified Life Care Planner. Supervision is to be registered for approval and submission of quarterly supervision summaries is required detailing dates of meetings and a summary of discussions.

Graduation from an accredited training program that includes practicum or internship, or which requires the development of an independent life care plan for review and critique by a faculty member who is a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP).

Each candidate must hold an entry-level academic degree or certificate/diploma for their profession.

A MediOpin Company . . . Medical Rehabilitation Consultants, LLC. © 2021. All rights reserved.